Asset Management + Models & Animation

Asset Management + Models & Animation

- 3 mins


Welcome! This is now the third entry into the developer diary detailing the creation of a rendering abstraction layer within a custom data-driven game engine! If you are new, past entries can be found on my blog or through the links found at the bottom of this post. Last week, I introduced a tentative asset pipeline. Today, I will discuss a slightly streamlined design and some of the implementation.

Tentative Asset Pipeline

Previous asset pipeline design.

New Asset Pipeline

New asset pipeline design.

With this design in mind, focus shifted towards implementation. Following along the examples provided by my advisor, Dr. Paul Varcholik, for his book Real Time 3D Rendering with DirectX and HLSL, I implemented two key pieces in the asset pipeline and a component for animating a model at runtime.

To support these additions, I also implemented a Transform class that wraps a matrix representing 3D spatial transformations that utilizes OpenGL Mathematics (glm).

Model Class

The Model class is a composition of supporting classes. A single Model may contain one or many of each of these elements. These classes include:


Animation was something that I had originally planned on integrating into the engine much later. However, since it was closely related to a model and had its own requirements during import, the Model class was implemented to support data structures related to animation.

Briefly described above, each model may contain a set of AnimationClip instances and sets of Bone and SceneNode instances that make up the skeleton of a model. Going deeper, each AnimationClip contains a series of BoneAnimation instances, which stores the Keyframe instances associated with a Bone, and a Keyframe contains the transformation information for a Bone at a given timestamp.

To play these animations, I created the AnimatorComponent class, a component class derived from Entity that manages playback of a given AnimationClip of an associated Model.

Asset Importer

With a fleshed out Model class, I then moved onto the creation of an AssetImporter class capable of loading a model from any of the dozens of file formats supported by Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP). The AssetImporter class provides a single Load() function for loading models, but this is broken down behind the scenes into steps for loading the meshes, model materials, and animation clips.

Next Steps

This past week diverged slightly from my initial plans, so the next steps are a little off from the original timeline. I ended up going deeper with the Model class, opting to add animation support earlier than planned, but the AssetImporter does not yet support texture importing.

Additionally, my current implementation leaves a lot of room for improvement. The Model and AnimatorComponent classes lack JSON configuration support, and the ContentManager class, which I described last week, is an additional system needed to fully realize the asset management design that I proposed.

Nevertheless, this past week saw significant progress, and I will use the work done ahead of schedule to make up the work that still needs to be done on asset management system this week. After that is wrapped up, I will be aiming to demo rendering a model in OpenGL 4.6+ using the engine.

Thank you for following along! I hope to see you again next week!

Logan Harvell

Logan Harvell

Graduate student at UCF FIEA, M.S. in Interactive Entertainment

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